Saturday, October 11, 2014

Bilishingiz kerak bo‘lgan 8 ta Firefox uchun trik

Mozillla’ning Firefox brauzeri brauzerlar ichidan dasturchilar/dizaynerlar uchun eng qulay brauerlardan biri hisoblanadi. Ishlayotganingizda qulay bo‘lishi uchun "Sozlamalar"dan xohlaganingizdek foydalanishingiz mumkin. Bilasizmi, Firefox’dan foydalanishingizni hayratlanarli darajada ishlashingizni tezlashtiriadigan bir nechta qiziqarli maslahatlar va triklar mavjud.

1.Do you know these Keyboard Shortcuts?

-Spacebar: sahifani pastga tushiradi

-Shift-Spacebar: sahifani tepaga ko‘taradi

-Ctrl+F: topish

-Alt-N: keyingisini topish

-Ctrl+D: sahifani xatcho‘pga qo‘shish

-Ctrl+T: yangi ichki oyna

-Ctrl+K: qidiruv maydonchasiga o‘tish

-Ctrl+L: manzil paneliga o‘tish

-Ctrl+=: matn hajmini kattalashtirish

-Ctrl+-: matn hajmini kichiklashtirish

-Ctrl-W: ichki oynani yopish

-F5: sahifani yangilash (qayta yuklash)

-Alt-Home: uy sahifasiga o‘tish

2.Do you know these Mouse Shortcuts?

-Middle click on link: opens in new tab

-Shift-scroll down: previous page

-Shift-scroll up: next page

-Ctrl-scroll up: decrease text size

-Ctrl-scroll down: increase text size

-Middle click on a tab: closes tab

3.Adding smart keywords

If you use a particular search a lot:

Right-click on search box > Add a Keyword for the search > Name the keyword and a shortcut name > Save 

Now, everytime you want to do the specific search:

Firefox address bar > Type the keyword for instant search


Address bar (Control-L) > name of site sans “www” or “.com” > Control-Enter to auto-fill

In case of .net addresses: Control-Enter is replaced by Shift-Enter

In case of .org addresses: Control-Enter is replaced by Control-Shift-Enter 

5.Tab navigation

-Ctrl+Tab: rotate forward among tabs

-Ctrl+Shft+Tab: rotate to the previous tab

-Ctrl+1-9: choose a number to jump to a specific tab

6.Deleting items from address bar history

Address bar (Ctrl-L) > Type an address > Use down-arrow to go down to an address you want to delete > Delete key

7.Speeding up Firefox (for Broadband connections)

Type about:config in address bar and hit return > type network.http in the filter field:

-Set network.http.pipelining to true

-Set network.http.proxy.pipelining to true

-Set network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to any number 

-Right-click anywhere and select New Integer > name it nglayout.initialpaint.delay > set its value to 0

8.Limiting RAM usage

about:config > filter browser.cache > select browser.cache.disk.capacity > lower the value down from 50000